Shaun Leyden


Light, composition and imagination. Due to a wealth of knowledge in all departments of TV and Film production, digital cameras and lighting I’m always keen to explore different approaches to telling a story. Open minded, creative and loads of energy and enthusiasm, I’m known for thinking outside of the box and working efficiently. Alone or […]

Suzanne Karsters


Suzanne loves to stare at people, which in daily life is considered a rude habit, but her camera makes it legit to do.

Annika Hopstaken


Produceert en presenteert programma’s die de schijnwerpers op een subcultuur zetten of een maatschappelijk probleem aan de kaak stellen. Kortom, kijkers meenemen in een ‘andere realiteit’. Ik wil (jonge) mensen aan het denken zetten, door te laten zien wat zich afspeelt in de wereld om hen heen. Met authentieke verhalen, scherpe interviews en betrokken reportages. […]

Jeroen Hoogaars


Jeroen Hoogaars is a film & motion director. His portfolio spans wide between music videos, motion design, fashion films and digital content.   In Jeroen’s creative output and conceptual approach he mirrors his interest in the perception of the universe, sound, movement and the unknown. With his surreal style he sways the subconsciousness of his viewer. […]